Topology Of an Image. Aspan Gallery
Aspan Gallerypresented Alexander Ugay's first solo show Topology of Image. The exhibitionlfeatured a selection of Ugay's photographic and video works, as well as theartist's novation, a series of optical objects, "Obscuratons". Theartist defines an Obscuraton “as an image, an object, and as a situation inspace, is simultaneously a photographic and a spatial object. It can be a formof documentation of places of memory, or a new way of working with archive andmemory.”
To accompanythe exhibition, Aspan Gallery produced a catalogue featuring essays by thecurator and researcher at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne, Mi You, andindependent art critic and curator, Yulia Sorokina as well.
Photo andvideo artist, Alexander Ugay is one of the most renowned contemporary artistsfrom Central Asia. In his works he deals with the issues of memory andnostalgia, exploring the interaction of history with the current reality andthe future. Many of Ugay’s photo and video projects are aimed at studying therelationships between collective and personal memory, and collective andpersonal space, focusing on the concept of time and its flow. Notable recentexhibitions include Festivities are Cancelled! at the Kyiv Biennale (2017), 6thMoscow Biennale (2015), Busan Biennale (2014), Promises of the Past, CentrePompidou, Paris (2010), Younger Than Jesus, New Museum, New York (2009) and 9thIstanbul Biennale (2005).